Survey for Participants 參加者問卷調查

Thank you for your participation in the above event. To enhance our forward planning, please let us have your feedback by filling out this evaluation. This will help us plan our future events and serve you better. 感謝參與本年度網上職業博覽。請填寫此問卷調查,以協助我們了解意見。閣下回饋將有助我們計劃未來的活動,提供更佳的藝文活動體驗。

Personal Information 個人資料

*  Full Name 姓名

*  Telephone Number 電話號碼

*  Email Address 電郵地址

*  Which age group do you belong to? 請問閣下屬於下列那個年齡組別?

*  Which of the following best describes your current status? 閣下現在身分為?

Career Fair 職業博覽

*  Which kind of employment opportunity were you looking for? 閣下希望尋求以下那種工作機會?

*  Which features did you experience in our Career Fair? 在這次職業博覽中,閣下參與了甚麼活動?

Please rate the following platform features. 請為以下線上功能評分。

Five stars indicate an excellent a rating, while one star indicates a poor rating.五星為最好,一星為欠佳。

*  This event met my expectations. 此活動符合我原先預期。

*  Overall, this was a high-quality event. 總括而言,這次活動質素很高。

*  The online platform is user-friendly and the instructions are clear. 線上平台方便使用,指示清晰。

The job vacancies offered in Virtual Booth and Job Matching are sufficient, relevant and attractive. 職業配對以及虛擬攤位所提供的職位空缺足夠、相關,並且吸引。

*  Virtual Booth is informative and captivating. 虛擬攤位資訊豐富,令人驚喜。

*  The Job-hunting Strategies is helpful. 藝術行政求職攻略十分有用。

The Job Matching is helpful and rewarding. 職業配對十分有用。

The CV Clinic by FR[A]MED had provided useful advice. 履歷諮詢為我提供了有用的意見。

Career Coaching had provided practical advice and guidance. 職業生涯規劃指導為我提供了實際有用的指引。

*  Would you prefer to attend a Arts Admin 101 talk at Career Fair? 你會否希望在職業博覽中參與藝術行政人員101講座?

Other comments on this event / suggestion in our forthcoming activities: 就是次/將來活動的其他意見/建議:

*  Would you recommend the event to your friends to join: 你會否向朋友推介是次活動:

If no, please specify the reason: 如果不會,請解釋為何:

Future Recommendations 未來建議

*  What features would you like to see in the future Career Fair? HKAAA在籌備未來職業博覽時,可增設甚麼體驗或活動?

*  Is it reasonable to charge for future admission? 如果將來職業博覽增設收費,閣下認為是否合理?

*  If yes, which of the following range of price do you find reasonable? 如果應該收費,閣下心目中合理價格為?

*  Which month do you prefer the Career Fair to be held? 哪一個月份舉辦職業博覽最為理想?

Please check the following box if you wish to receive future materials from HKAAA. 如欲接收更多HKAAA資訊,請選擇以下欄目。

Thank You for your feedback! 感謝你的意見!